Sunday, 16 March 2014

Doing what you can with what you have

Unfortunately, I had to give up the studio that I was renting due to lack of funds.
I am back to working from home, which isn't the most ideal for the aspiring artist.

As of late, I have been struggling just to survive. Paying my rent on minimum wage is almost impossible. It may sound strange, but, I really do enjoy being poor. The act of reducing one's standard of living for an improved quality of life is a lost art.

Anyway, despite longing for a proper studio space, I have managed to create some new work.
These pieces were made almost entirely out of found materials. I get so much pleasure creating something from nothing.

untitled (2014)

City Nights (2014)
I have been seeking to find a balance between the real and the unreal, the representational and abstract. I am getting closer, I can feel it.